
Cooking From The Heart

Healthy Eating & Living Guide
Indian Spiced Nuts

Indian Spiced Nuts

While the cinnamon sugar amaretto almonds that appear over on The Design Files earlier this week are exceptionally tasty and addictive, this version of spiced nuts is a fierce contender for the title of biggest habit-forming nut mix around. I should know because my Dad has been making them for years and they never last long, especially with a cold beer or glass of white wine. I made them last Christmas as little gifts packaged in little glass containers. You can omit or increase the ground chilli depending on your likeness for heat. I highly recommend it though.

I’m always on the prowl for new nut mix recipes, so if you a good one, please fell free to link to it in the comments section below.

Indian-Spiced Nuts
Makes about 5 cups
