
Cooking From The Heart

Healthy Eating & Living Guide
Improve Your Skin

How Eating Well Can Improve Your Skin

Growing old is inevitable. Time will change our skin, and no one is able to avoid age spots and wrinkles. However, how well your skin ages can have a lot to do with your health, sun and sun tanning exposure, chemicals, soaps, and your nutrition.

Nutrients are necessary for your body to shed old cells and replace them with new ones. Without the right nutrients, your skin won’t feel or look as youthful as it possibly could. Before you turn to anti-wrinkle creams, focus on your diet. Here are a few ways in which your diet can improve your skin.

An Apple a Day…

Most people know that old adage of an apple a day keeps the doctor away. That quote can ultimately link to everyone’s need to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables to remain healthy. Not only can you enjoy better health with a diet rich in vegetables and fruit, but better skin as well.

All manner of fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants that prevent cell damage. Carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, and kale, in particular, promote healthy skin cell development more than most.
